The search for the author or contributors found 38 results.

R. J. W. Rees

Volume: 59 - Edition: 1 - Jan/Feb/Mar - 1991
Alexander Graham Weddell, M. D., D. Sc. 1908-1990
R. J. W. Rees

Volume: 44 - Edition: 1-2 - Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr/May/Jun - 1976
Discussion: nasal infection and transmission of leprosy
R.J.W. Rees

Volume: 41 - Edition: 3 - Jul/Aug/Sep - 1973
A century of progress in experimental leprosy
R. J. W. Rees

Volume: 34 - Edition: 2 - Apr/May/Jun - 1966
BCG vaccination against leprosy
R. J. W. Rees

Volume: 33 - Edition: 3 Pt 2 - Jul/Aug/Sep - 1965
Cultivation of M. leprae (Cont'd)
R. J. W. Rees

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